Deadly Zombie Escape 3D Review

Zombie Escape is a third person, hidden object adventure game on the Wii platform. The story is set in an area called 'Zonomas', which is populated with dangerous zombies. You take control of Max, who is looking for his friend bitten by a zombie, and trying to survive in this twisted world. In addition to controlling Max, you can also use a Wii remote to trigger the various actions and puzzles throughout the game. This has the advantage of not having to waste time moving from one platform to another. However, at the same time it is quite difficult to get used to the motion sickness associated with the motion-sensitive controls.

Deadly zombie escape - 3d horror game Premium Free Download

Zombie Escape is the brainchild of Christian Audigier, who also created the popular 'undead Shooter' series for Nintendo Wii. His previous game'undead Shooter 2' was well received on the Nintendo Wii platform, where he again attempted to create a zombie game offering similar action and puzzle solving elements. With this new game he aims to offer something more than the usual undead shoot em up games and combat. He wants to provide a family-friendly experience that families will enjoy playing together. With this in mind, we have selected some of our favorite Deadly Zombie Escape reviews.

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As mentioned above, the emphasis of the game is to offer a family-friendly game for young children. In this game you can not only switch between using the Wii remote to trigger action and moving with the Wii remote but also using flash for puzzles and 3D graphics using a Wii MotionPlus accessory. The storyline follows a young boy, identified as 'Max', who stumbles across a facility that houses infected zombies. The infected are drawn to the boy's sticky fingers and eventually start crawling towards him, following his all too slow movement. Along the way he must avoid being eaten by the zombies and protect himself from the other dangerous creatures that roam the facility.

As you progress through the game, you'll encounter various puzzles and brainteasers that will enhance your adventure and make the whole experience more interesting. The action is quite fast paced, with an exciting chase scene as the infected creatures pursue Max. You'll also find that there is some nice hidden items including briefcase, gun and police car among others. The controls work quite well using the Wii remotes and the game's motion-based puzzles are very clever, taking advantage of the motion sensors included. There's also an option using the Nunchuk as the main gaming hand, although it's recommended not to use this as the controls are a bit awkward when used.

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If you're thinking about this game as one more" zombie flicks" you shouldn't. This game is much more than that and provides a very original and thought provoking storyline, although incorporating elements of horror. For instance, you'll see zombies emerging out of the darkness, while also being shown a glimpse of the future. In fact, the overall atmosphere seems to suggest a darker, more disturbing version of the zombie genre, which is already becoming a big hit with video game lovers.

In Deadly Zombie Escape 3D, you play the role of Max, who finds himself in a small town, following a mysterious and fatal virus outbreak. Once you've started the game, you'll find that you have control over Max, who can move and run in any direction you desire. However, the real game comes from the way you solve puzzles and the manner in which you deal with those puzzles. It is a game where the difficulty level doesn't come from trying too hard, but from the smart and strategic thinking you'll need to apply in order to survive.

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One thing about this game that stands out is the excellent voice acting. All the characters in the game are portrayed very realistically and bring life to the scenario. The audio description does a great job at conveying just what is going on in the game, and the dialogues are often funny and witty. The voice actor for Max is particularly good at depicting a disoriented and scared young man trying to find his own way through.

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You should also check out the different endings, this game offers, depending on which route you take. If you try the more difficult routes, the endings will become more dramatic and the moments more intense. However, it is also possible to get a normal ending if you choose to do a couple of special quests while playing the game. This truly shows how well done Deadly Zombie Escape 3D is, to you really get a sense of satisfaction from completing the game.


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