Hi everyone, Aaron here for Zolo Tech, and I wanted to show you how to set up a VPN or virtual private network on your android phone. A lot of people need to use a VPN for work, and what that does is allow you to create a secure connection between your telephone and the company's internet or intranet. It will enable them to transfer secure data and not let anyone else see it. You also may want to use this if you're on public-wifi you wish to use a secure VPN connection. There's a couple of other reasons you'd like to use it as well, but I wanted to show you how to connect. 

How to Setup an Android VPN connection

it to a VPN using Android now this is stock Android this is a nexus 6pin frost white this particular one, and this will be a general idea on how to connect your phone so let me go ahead and unlock it here and what you need to do is go to your menu up here at the top once you're in your menu now again if you don't have a nexus or something running stock Android this is an Android marshmallow Android6.0 you'll need to figure out where this is located but in this case, it's for me it's under more near the-Fi Bluetooth data usage so we'll hit more and then you'll see there's VPN now the catch is you'll need a VPN server there's a lot of places you can pay for them monthly there's 

Apps you can also use that will set this up, so this is a general setup. If you're using cisco anyconnect, they have a separate app that you usually use. Instead of doing it this way so let's go ahead and add one, and we just hit the plus here, and we can name it whatever we want. We'll call it my VPN, and then you have the type of server it is. Different security levels depending on which one you use, but PPTP is pretty standard, so we'll use it for this demonstration. Now all I did was find a server online that's free. I don't know if it's secure or not, but I wanted to use it for a demonstration to 

Show you how it works, so I don't know that you necessarily want to trust this one. I don't; I don't see the company, or I'm not familiar with them just wanted to show you how this works, so go ahead and put in an actual server name here, so we'll do that now we have the server name inputted we'll hit save. It should keep the VPN if we want to connect to the VPN; we have a couple of different options we always have always-on VPN. Still, right now, we just want to tap on the VPN, and it will ask us for our username and password, so let's go ahead and put that in once you have your username and password in place. Just go ahead and save the information. 

If you donat wants to keep it insecure that way, you want to or don't, go ahead and hit connect, and it will connect, and it's connected. Now you can see a key in the upper-righthand corner here, and that lets you know it focuses on what lets you know that it's connected through a VPN. Now that you have the VPN connection, we want to try and go to the internet, and we'll use that connection. 

To do that so we'll go ahead and go to my website, and now we're using the VPN to use the information to go to that website. Just keeps your phone more secure, especially on a wireless network that's public and available to many people. Otherwise, I don't know that you need to use it if you're at home, but if you have workplaces or things that use it, be sure to check it out there and use it while you're in the public domain, especially.

 if you have sensitive information, the last thing you want to know how to do is to disconnect your VPN, so again go up here to the to go back to where you were and also goto VPN it says connected we can disconnect and it shows different information how many packets were sent and received let's go ahead and hit disconnect, so that's pretty much it pretty simple and that hopefully will help you if you need to secure your phone through a VPN or for work or whatever reason so if you have any other questions comments suggestions let us know in the comments below if you haven't subscribed already, please subscribe and like as always thanks for watching this is Aaron I'll see you next time

Android VPN TAG

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  • how to setup a vpn server


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